Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Finally Crack the Code: The Slim Europeans-Pain au Chocolate Paradox.

It's one of the age old ironies of life: How are Austrians (actually we can extend this to Europeans) so slim and fit despite the seemingly never ending cake, knödel, heavy food, chocolate, pain au chocolate?

I think I have the answer...

So before hopping across the pond to Salzbug I spent a good chunk of the last few years eating the college diet. Which meant everything from lowry biscuits to 2am taco bell runs. Do that times four years and by the end the dreaded freshman fifteen had set in and didn't seem to be going anywhere.

And I pretty much drove everywhere. Seriously, everywhere (that is, whenever I went off-campus or was home). I wasn't a total couch potato during these years but I wasn't exactly training for the next olympics either.

Here in Salzburg, I walk. A lot. Downtown, to and from the bus stop to school, along the river,  it adds up. In terms of diet, I guess I do eat healthier. Well, there is A LOT of supplemental cake and chocolate that finds its way in there. But mostly, what I cook for myself is not bad in terms of variety and healthiness.

So between the walking and the somewhat improved diet I found that most of the college weight pretty much just slid off without me having to make any major adjustments whatsoever. And believe me, I was extremely happy to see it go.

Then there's the fitness factor. I have had, shall we say, a rather tumultuous relationship with hiking a for most of my life. Making your way up the mountain while the rest of your family is marching up the summit like a herd of in-step mountain goats is not exactly my idea of a good time.

Sometime around the age of 15 I vowed that I was never, ever, ever, ever, going to go on a hike again. 

And then when visiting the parentals last weekend we went on a few hikes that, when done previously, I pretty much wanted to die. Except this time I didn't want to die, no, it was almost easy. And enjoyable! That's not the only time that I have been very aware of my sudden increased physical prowess.

Today a friend and I went on a 12 mile hike in Berchtesgaden, Germany was great! I could have easily gone on longer.

So there's your answer to the question. It's pretty easy to say slim and in shape when your back yard overlooks a mountain range and half the grocery store isn't made up of the chips and candy aisle. Even if you supplement with apple strudel and cake on a weekly basis.

Some pictures from Berchtesgaden, Germany. Berchtesgaden is a little slice of Bavaria about 45 minutes from Salzburg with beautiful mountain views and a crystal clear lake, the Königssee. It was also a very popular Nazi hangout back in the day.

Finally....some sun!!

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